Planting Materials
Other Crops
Tissue culture is the most suitable technique for mass propagation of bamboo seedling for large scale commercial planting.
FGV Innovation Center at Enstek Negeri Sembilan has successfully produced several bamboo seedlings including Dendrocalamus asper species (buluh betong) which is the most sought after by the industry.
Other Crops
FGVAS involved in banana clonal production since 2006 through our FGV Innovation Centre. Source of explant are local variety from germplasm area.
Banana clonal are more uniform compare to suckers materials. Selection criteria for mother plants are bunch weight >20kg and free from disease, Fusarium Wilt.
Other Crops
Our pandan coconut seed garden is isolated from other coconut varieties to ensure the high purity of our pandan coconut seedlings
All of our 2,198 pandan coconut mother palms have been certified by Department of Agriculture under the Scheme of Planting Material Validation (SPBT)