Major Analytical

FGV Holdings Berhad provides various types of instrumentation that can be used to analyse different types of sample matrices. Most of the instrumentation is up to date by the current technology that will help to get accurate and fast results.

Major Analytical Instrumentation
FGV Holdings Berhad provides various types of instrumentation that can be used to analyse different types of sample matrices. Most of the instrumentation is up to date by the current technology that will help to get accurate and fast results.
Registered Lab
Our laboratory is accredited to MS ISO/IEC 17025 standard requirement for testing laboratory. FGV Analytical laboratory also is the Soil Proficiency Testing program coordinator under Agriculture Laboratory Association of Malaysia (AgLAM).

Registered Lab
Our laboratory is accredited to MS ISO/IEC 17025 standard requirement for testing laboratory. FGV Analytical laboratory also is the Soil Proficiency Testing program coordinator under Agriculture Laboratory Association of Malaysia (AgLAM).

Inductive Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy
Capable of analyzing all metals & heavy metals elements in the periodic table simultaneously. Could analyze any liquid or solid sample. Normally used to determine heavy metals in water, wastewater, soil or plant tissue sample matrices by using sample digestion and dilution. The best instrument for environmental monitoring to date.

Inductive Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy
Capable of analyzing all metals & heavy metals elements in the periodic table simultaneously. Could analyze any liquid or solid sample. Normally used to determine heavy metals in water, wastewater, soil or plant tissue sample matrices by using sample digestion and dilution. The best instrument for environmental monitoring to date.
Elemental Analyser – CNS
Can be used to determine the Carbon, Nitrogen & Sulphur content in solid sample matrices, normally soil, plant tissue or compost. Minimal sample preparation needed with fast results. Uses Dumas method by combusting sample with oxygen in combustion chamber.

Elemental Analyser – CNS
Can be used to determine the Carbon, Nitrogen & Sulphur content in solid sample matrices, normally soil, plant tissue or compost. Minimal sample preparation needed with fast results. Uses Dumas method by combusting sample with oxygen in combustion chamber.

Near Infra Red Spectroscopy
Capable of determining any solid or liquid sample of some analysis parameters with a broad range of established calibration curve. Analysis must be done with conventional methods & instruments first before a calibration is established and unknown sample could be run in the instrument.

Near Infra Red Spectroscopy
Capable of determining any solid or liquid sample of some analysis parameters with a broad range of established calibration curve. Analysis must be done with conventional methods & instruments first before a calibration is established and unknown sample could be run in the instrument.
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Capable of measuring some metals in solid sample matrix like soil and plant tissue analysis with digestion & dilution. A hallow cathode lamp containing the same element to be determined is needed. A cheaper alternative to ICP-OES for fewer macro nutrient analysis parameter.

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Capable of measuring some metals in solid sample matrix like soil and plant tissue analysis with digestion & dilution. A hallow cathode lamp containing the same element to be determined is needed. A cheaper alternative to ICP-OES for fewer macro nutrient analysis parameter.

Segmented Flow Analyser
The instrument can be used to identify any compound that can be vaporised without decomposing at certain temperature and separated gradually in the system. Solid or Liquid sample matrices with various sample preparation techniques specific for targeted compound to be analysed. Usually used for environmental monitoring.

Segmented Flow Analyser
The instrument can be used to identify any compound that can be vaporised without decomposing at certain temperature and separated gradually in the system. Solid or Liquid sample matrices with various sample preparation techniques specific for targeted compound to be analysed. Usually used for environmental monitoring.
Gas Chromatography/Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy
Capable of measuring some metals in solid sample matrix like soil and plant tissue analysis with digestion & dilution. A hallow cathode lamp containing the same element to be determined is needed. A cheaper alternative to ICP-OES for fewer macro nutrient analysis parameter.

Gas Chromatography/Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy
Capable of measuring some metals in solid sample matrix like soil and plant tissue analysis with digestion & dilution. A hallow cathode lamp containing the same element to be determined is needed. A cheaper alternative to ICP-OES for fewer macro nutrient analysis parameter.

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Capable of measuring any target compound that could be separated in the column when dissolved in specific organic solvents. Specific sample preparation is needed for each target compound to be determined by HPLC.

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Capable of measuring any target compound that could be separated in the column when dissolved in specific organic solvents. Specific sample preparation is needed for each target compound to be determined by HPLC.